A guide to getting better photographs of your pet.

Pets are often considered family members, it can be very rewarding capturing their personality through photographs. There are many options when photographing pets and this article will help you to get better shots.

Before you start snapping, let your pet get to know its surroundings. It is important to give your pet enough time to feel comfortable in their environment before taking any photos. It may prove difficult to get a great picture if they don't feel at home at the location you are photographing them.

When taking photos, pay attention to what is in the background of your photographs and avoid anything that might distract or interfere with your subject matter. You don't have to include all the scenery in your shot just because it is around your pet. Background scenery can be used as a natural frame but be a bit selective with your choice.

Try to take your photos at eye level with your pet by either bending your knees or laying on the ground. It is worth the extra effort to get a flattering angle and portraying your animal from the angle of an equal.

Stand in the same direction as your animal's face.

Make sure your subject is in the right spot.

When taking photographs, it is easier to get good photos if the pet is facing towards the light, make sure you don’t get your shadow in the shot.

Don't use flash. Flash photography can pose problems for animals and disrupt their natural behaviour.

It's crucial to be aware of the lighting when you take photos. You ideally want even and shadow free lighting for your subject and enough light to get sharp and detailed photos. While it is better to photograph your subject under brighter lighting, photographing your pet in the shade or on an overcast day can also work well.

When taking photos of your pet, make sure your pet is focused on you, don’t allow your attention to your camera to dominate the photo session. You might find your pet becomes more interested in other distractions. 

Try to take casual photos of your pet and do not put pressure on yourself to get the right shot. If you have an amazing idea for a photo try to be spontaneous and give it a go.

Recent model phones take great photos and can be less distracting than a camera, your pet is used to seeing you with a phone.

Be patient when you take photos of your pet.

Pets are not like people. They will behave differently every time you snap a picture of them. To get the perfect shot, you will have to take several photos. It is possible to capture the perfect shot if you're patient and allow your animal to have fun doing it.

You can use food and toys to your benefit.

To hide less interesting parts of an animal's bodies, toys can be used. Or you can use food to get the attention of your animal.

Photographing candid photos of your pet during different times of the day is a good idea. Try to capture their behaviour and style in a single frame. Best time for this will depend on the temperament of your pet and their individual personality.

Try out different props to help your animal. Include props to express your animal's character in your photos.This can allow you to be more imaginative with your camera, and help you capture a better image of your animal and from a different perspective by including your pet in photographs with people or other pets.

Don’t take the same pictures over and over again, try something new or it will be difficult to discover something better than you've done in the past.

For great shots, try different lighting, time of day and surroundings.

You should give your pet plenty of time between photos because they may get bored easily if you keep taking the same pictures.

Breaks between shots, just like in other forms of entertainment, keep your subject engaged so that they perform well in future pictures. This means both you and your pet have a good time.


It is possible to capture high-quality photographs of your pets with a little practice and patience. It’s fun to do and your best photos will become lifelong treasures. 

Do as the professional photographers do… Take lots of photos.